IN THE WAKE of the January 7 terrorist attack on the satirical publication Charlie Hebdo, the International Association of Theatre Critics (AICT-IATC) has issued the following statement of solidarity with those who suffered as a result of the violent attempt to silence members of a free press:
The International Association of Theatre Critics (AICT-IATC) extends its deepest sympathies to the victims of the January 7 terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris. This act of senseless violence is a chilling assault on freedom of expression. For those who practice the profession of criticism, free expression is the air that sustains our life's work. Vicious attacks such as these threaten not only our daily work but also demand that we stand firm in the face of those who would shake civilization to its very core. We are all Charlie Hebdo.
Margareta Sörenson, President of IATCMichel Vaïs, Secretary General
L'Association internationale des critiques de théâtre (AICT-IATC) adresse ses condoléances les plus vives aux proches des victimes de l'attentat terroriste qui a eu lieu à Paris le 7 janvier contre Charlie Hebdo. Cette attaque violente constitue une atteinte à la liberté d'expression, condition vitale pour tous ceux qui exercent la profession de critique. Un pareil attentat constitue non seulement une menace pour nous tous dans notre travail quotidien, mais exige une position ferme contre ceux qui tentent de viser le cœur même de notre civilisation. Nous sommes tous Charlie Hebdo.
Margareta Sörenson, Présidente de l'AICTMichel Vaïs, Secrétaire général